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Good and bad yoga in Astrology.

Good Yoga in Astrology:- While calculation of a person individual horoscope their are some good and bad yoga in astrology which will gives good or bad effects in our life. This topic is related with good and bad yoga in astrology. Their are some certain rules while apply on calculation of individual horoscopes . In all horoscopes these yoga must be properly scrutined along with the application of the unusual astrological rules. These important yoga make good or bad . These different types of yoga's ,Rajyoga producing high political power, dhanayoga or combination for great wealth. The results of each yoga is defined. 

Good yoga :-

1. Chamar yoga:- This is produced when the lord of the ascendant is exalted and occupies a quadrant and has the power full aspect of Jupiter. or two  benefics in the ascendant and the 7th or the 10th also cause the same yoga. The person will be greatly respected by rulers and the scholar and live more than 75 years .

2. Shankha yoga:- When the lord of the 10th or ascendant occupies movable signs like Aries, cancer and the lord of the 9th is power, this yoga is caused. If the lord of the 5th and 6th house are in mutual quadrants from each other and the ruler of the rising sign powerful, this yoga is caused. That person learned in sciences and philosophy, charitable and long live more than 80 years.

3. Sreenatha yoga:- In this yoga exalted lord of the 7th occupies the 10th and the lord of the 10th combines with the lord of the 9th then that person get great respect, reputation, honorable living with wealth and nice society.

4. Bheri Yoga:- In this yoga 10th house powerful with three planets in the 12th,2nd 1st and 7th houses, or lord of the 9th is powerful and Venus and lord of ascendant are in quadrants from Jupiter  then that person have good property, live in high family, courageous, expert in sciences and arts, long lived, free from any kind of diseases.

5. Sarada yoga:- In this yoga Jupiter is trine from the moon and mars in trine to mercury or Jupiter in the 11th from mercury or lord of the 10th occupies the 5th, mercury in a quadrant and the sun in his own sign then that particular person attracted fair ladies, praised by the royalty and interested in fine arts and science.

6. Matsya Yoga:- in this yoga malefic in birth and the 9th , benefices and malefic in the 5th and malefic in the 4th and the 8th then that particular person lover of astrology and religious nature.

7. Kesari yoga:- In this yoga moon and Jupiter is quadrants to each other, respected by relations and friends then that particular person become commissioner, manager of a big company, name of that person will prosper and also all comfortable in life enjoy.

8. Adhi yoga:- in this yoga benefics place in 6th, 7th and 8th house from the moon sign then that type of person become commander, minister, king and also long live and free from diseases.

9. Anapha yoga:- In this yoga when planets are placed in the12th from moon  then man of commanding and majestic appearance, healthy moral, free from mental sorrow, comfortable in his later life.

10. Sunapha yoga:- In this yoga when planets are in 2nd house from moon then that particular person have self made man, self acquired wealth, intelligent and reputed in his life.

11. Durdhura yoga:- In this yoga planets in the 2nd and 12th from the moon then that person will enjoy all pleasures, conveyances, liberal and generous and commanding and faithful children in his life.

12 Kahala yoga:- In this yoga the lord of the 4th and Jupiter in mutual quadrants and the lord of the ascendant powerful then that particular person is very courageous and adventurous, commanding, and ruling towns and cities.

13. Vasi yoga:- In this yoga planets in the 12the from sun sign then that person will become will rich and wealth.

14. Vesi yoga:- In this yoga benefics planets is in 2nd house from the sun then that particular person benome good speaker, wealthy , courageous and charitable.

15. Obhayachari yoga:- In this yoga benefics planets is in 2nd house and the 12th house from the sun then that particular person is a king, good and sympathetic.

16. Mridanga yoga:- In this yoga when navmamsha occupied by an exalted planet in a quadrant and himself exalted in his own sign or in a friendly house and the lord of the ascendant powerful the that person is healthy throughout life, attractive personality, great influence among the peoples.

17. Koorma Yoga:- In this yoga benefics in the 5th and 6th and 7th house in the rashi and also exalted or friendly in own navamasa then that person will be very philosophical. 

18. khadga yoga:- In this particular yoga when lord of the 2nd house and 9th house and lord of the 9th or 2nd and the lord of ascendant is in a quadrant or  trine then that particular person is very courage, strong and intelligence in his life.

19. Lakshmi yoga:- In this yoga lord of 9th house in in quadrant or mooltrikona or in exaltation or lord of lagna in conjunction with 9th lord then that type of person is very handsome , good looking, reputation for honesty and honored in the society.

20:- Kusuma yoga:- In this yoga Venus is in fixed sign and also in quadrant a weak moon in a trine and sun in 10th house then that type of person extremely liberal, war like and possessed of unsullied reputation and good enjoyment.

Bad yoga in Astrology :- 

1.Kemadruma yoga:- In this yoga no planets in the 2nd and the 12th houses from the moon at birth then that person find misery, poverty throughout life and generally capable of neutralizing all beneficial yogas.

2. Rjju yoga:- In this yoga all planets in movable signs- Resident in foreign country unjust.

3. Brihadbija yoga:- In this yoga rahu and mars and Saturn in the ascendant or the lord of the ascendant in the 8th house with rahu then that person suffered testicles swelling and venereal complaints.

4. Daridra yoga:- Lord of the ascendant in the 12th  and vice versa then loss of wealth, generally poor .

5. Asatyavadi yoga:- If the lord of the house occupied by the lord of the 2nd house is Saturn then falsehood and indulges in fraudulent schemes.


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