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Ketu effects in Anuradha nakshtra in different moon sign.



Ketu effects in Anuradha nakshtra in different moon sign.  

Rahu and Ketu is a shadow planet . As per Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu gives sudden effects in our life either in good or bad shape. We have analyzed and research on these two planets very closely as per astrology point of view and find the Ketu is a spiritual planet. Currently Ketu transit in Scorpion moon sign and in anuradha nakshtra in 4rth charan . anuradth nakshtra lord is Saturn and Rahu and Ketu is agent of Saturn. Rahu define our bad karma file with Saturn and Ketu define our good karma file with Saturn. Anradha nakshtra in a very good nakshtra in the universe and given 17th place out of 27 nakshtra in the universe. This nakshtra produce  name fame , recognition ,reputation and knowledge .This nakshtra also gives success in the foreign land . Ketu also link with moksha,sannyasa, self realization and restlessness. If a person wants attain height in spirituality then ketu is karka planet for this. The connection of Jupiter with Ketu is very good in individual horoscopes of persons. Ketu always work as per direction of guru. The mahadasha of Ketu is like mars and not so long as per Rahu dasha. So in Ketu dasha peoples get benefited sudden gain in their life and get name and fame in spirituality . If ketu is debilitated or not placed in good house in any horoscopes then that particular persons get sudden losses in Ketu dasha. Our past life karma also define by these shadow planets in the horoscopes. Now we explain the effect of ketu in each moon sign wise .Ketu transit in anuradha nakshtra till 8th feb 2022 and anuradha nakshtra lord is Saturn and the effects of this nakshtra on each moon sign wise is different.

1. Aries sign:- In Aries sign Ketu is transit in his eight house and the effect of Ketu in eight house with anuradha nakshtra indicate that increase in business and also change of place in the job .Currently Saturn transit in Aries sign in 10th house and due to Ketu change their nakshtra the effects of Ketu will give like Saturn. Ketu also aspect on 12th house indicted that during traveling will arise during this period and also foreign traveling will on cards. Ketu also indicate that some medical expenses on health issue till 8th feb 2022. Ketu also aspect on your second house indicate that loss of money due to some careless. Tuning with family members will not good during this period. You have to keep control your aggression while talk with family members. Ketu also aspect on your fourth house indicate that health of mother will not good. You will change your residence during this period. Ketu also indicate that you will fell loneliness in the house. You mind will divert towards in spiritual activity. You will travel in some religious place in this period. You should keep positive in this time and also keep meditation in the morning.

Remedy:- Chant lord Ganesh mantra daily.

2. Tauras sign:-In Taurus moon sign ketu is transit in his seventh house and Ketu indicated in seventh house in anuradha nakshtra that you have to be very careful in your partnership business and also in your personal relationship with your life partner. Currently Saturn is transit is in your 9th house and ketu now transit in Saturn nakshtra indicated that change in your daily life in your working as well as in your personal life. You will change your habits with this movement . Ketu also aspect on your  11th house indicated that you will avoid travelling in this period and also satisfied with your existing income . Ketu also aspect on your first house and rahu is already placed in your first house indicated that you will do meditation and exercise yoga in the morning. You will isolate with peoples and keep reserve in your life . You will also connect with the god through daily pray in the morning . Ketu also aspect on your third house also indicated that your sister and mother health wll get effected . Your confidence level in not good due to current situation . You will avoid long travelling and keep satisfied with your daily work in the office. You will also effected with sleepiness night and body pain during this period. 

Remedy:- Eat some food to black dogs daily and also help to needful person.

3. Gemini :- In this sign the Ketu is placed in your sixth house and in anuradha nakshtra and Ketu in sixth house not good for your health and currently the placement of Saturn is in eight house which is also not good for your health and daily routine life. Ketu is enter in Saturn nakshtra indicate that change your food habits and also get full rest in the night . Otherwise you will get depression and anxiety in your mind. Ketu also aspect on your 10th house on your job and profession house and indicate that you will change your daily schedule work with use of technology. In job you will get some extra responsibility in your office and also you will not satisfied with your current job . You will try to change your current job. It also indicated that you will transfer in other place which is not your likely place. Be careful while dealing with the subordinates in the office. Ketu also aspect on your 12th house and indicate that your expanse will increase and you will spend money on unnecessary things . You will travel some spiritual place during this period. Ketu also aspect on your second house indicate that some expanses will arise on your family and sudden expanse will disturb your bank balance. You will spend money on medical treatment of your family members during this period. Ketu also indicate that keep your tong under control and not speak any harsh words . 

Remedy:- Donate some sationery items to poor girls on Wednesday.

4. Cancer:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your fifth house and in fifth house Ketu will transit with anuradha nakhtra and indicate that your mind will become very spiritual and you will start meditation in the morning . Ketu is in fifth house is good for your son health and also his education. You will focus on your children education and health in this period. Saturn is transit in your seventh house and due to Ketu is in shani nakshtra you have to be very careful while talk with your life partner, otherwise  chance of separation will arise. Ketu also aspect on your 9th house indicate that your long traveling will arise and relation with father will good. You will travel in some religious place in India. Ketu also aspect on your 11th house indicate that gain from elder brother you will get sudden money in your bank with the help of your elder brother. Ketu also aspect on your first house indicate that some abdominal problem will arise . If you suffered any chronic diseases then you will consult with doctor and take proper medicine . Yoga meditation and pranayama will be good for your health. Some times your mood is not good with your mother and you will feel isolate with yourself and keep reserve. 

Remedy:- Chant lord shiva mantra daily.

5. Leo sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your fourth house and Ketu is transit in anuradha nakshtra in your fourth house indicate that you will change your residence and also health of your mother will not good. Home life will be hard during this period. Keep check proper documents before investing money into real estate. Ketu in shani nakhstra indicate that if you get bank loan you will face difficulty to repay your loan and you will suffered hidden enemy in your work place. Your relationship with wife will not so good. Ketu also aspect on your eight house indicate that health will be disturb and you will take interest in occult study . Ketu also aspect on your 10th house indicate that you will face challenges in your job and if you are in business then don’t take any big risk during this period. Ketu also aspect on your 12th house indicate that you will travel in other parts of country and also expanses on travelling will be high. But with the same you will give donation in some religious places . Any family property dispute will take long time to resolve. 

Remedy:- Keep Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily in the temple.

6. Virgo Sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your third house and Ketu is transit in anuradha nakshra indicate that you will take interest in your children education . If you want go into higher education then you will get the good results. Ketu is in third house indicted that your siblings will get health problems during this period. Ketu also aspect on your seventh house indicted that you will keep reserve while talking with your life partner. If you are unmarried then you will not take interest in your marriage. Ketu also aspect on your ninth house indicate that your father health will not good and you will travel in some hill station during this period. Ketu also aspect on your 11th house indicate that sudden gain of money from mother . Your mother will be very helpful with you and you will get gain from your mother. You will also get benefit from your elder brother.

Remedy:- Eat some food to black dog daily.

7. Libra sign :- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your second house and also Ketu is transit in shani nakshtra indicate that you will invest money into some commercial space or residential house during this period. You will also change your residence place due to Ketu is in second house . Sometimes you will speak harsh words with your family members. You will loss sudden money with your harsh language. Ketu also aspect on your sixth house indicate that you will decline your bank loan and also keep good relation with your relatives. Ketu also aspect on your eight house indicate that you will take interest in occult study and your mind will go into some deep and research nature. Ketu also aspect on your 10th house indicate that you will face hardship in your business and job . You will change your working habits during this period and do hard work for permote your business. your mother will bless you and you will care your mother. You have to chant lord shiva daily.

Remedy:- Chant lord shiva mantra daily.

8. Scorpion sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your first house and Ketu transit in your shani nakshtra indicate that you will take interest in serve for animals and humans . Your mind will keep reserve and your mind will take interest in some spiritual activity. Ketu is in shani nakshta indicating that your confidence will be very high and your traveling will arise. Your friends will be very supportive and you will plan to sale some property during this period. Ketu also aspect on your fifth house indicate that your children will perform in study and your mind will get busy in daily work . You will take some positive decision in your life. Ketu also aspect on your seventh house indicate that problems in your marriage life and if you are unmarried then you will find difficulty your love mate. Ketu also aspect on your ninth house indicate that you will travel in foreign or other parts of country. Your luck will shine with the blessing of some spiritual guru. You will take interest in spiritual activity. You will go for long drive with your family members. 

Remedy:- Donate black and white clothes to poor peoples.

9. Sagittarius sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your 12th house and Ketu transit in shani nakshtra indicate that you will spend money on some religious activity . You will donate money in the temple your expanses will be very high and you will not save your money in the bank. Ketu is in 12th house also aspect on your fourth house indicates that you will spend money on your mother health. Ketu also aspect on your sixth house indicate that you will keep reserve with your close relatives. Your enemy will keep cool in this period. Ketu also aspect on your eight house indicate that your mother health will get effected . Ketu also indicate that your mind will disturb due your mother health. You will not sleep well in the night. 

Remedy:- serve food to cows daily.

10. Capricorn sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your gain house and Ketu is transit in your 11th house with Saturn nakshtra and this will gives you good results in your life . Ketu placement in your gain house gives you sudden money. Ketu also aspect on your third house indicate that you will get help from your friends. Ketu also aspect on your fifth house indicate that you will take positive decision in your carrier. But Rahu is placed in your fifth house in Taurus sign gives you creative results . If you are consultant then you will earn money through your professional. Ketu also aspect on your seventh house indicate that you will change your daily routine work and also you will keep reserve with talk with your wife. You have to keep check your mother health and also gain from inheritance property will indicate.

Remedy:- Donate some food to poor and need person on Saturday.

11. Aquarius Sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu in your 10th house and also Ketu transit in shani nakshtra and indicated that you want to go to overseas then this the best period to go into overseas because Saturn will placed in your 12th house and Ketu also indicate in 10th house that you will change your carrier or profession . Ketu also aspect on your second house indicates the you will get income from business or professional and with the help of your father your carrier will shine. Respect from the society will increase and also you will do some social works in the society. Ketu also aspect on your fourth house indicate that if you ant to buy a land or property then this is not a good deal and you have to wait some time. Health of mother will not good. You will spend money on repair of your old cars in this period. Ketu also aspect on your 6th house indicate that hidden enemy will try to disturb your mind. If you want apply loan for higher education then bank will help you. Take care your health with yoga and meditation in the morning. 

Remedy:- Chant lord Ganesh mantra daily.

12. Pieces sign:- In this sign the effect of Ketu is in your ninth house in shani nakhstra indicate that you will go to long travelling with your family and Ketu is in 9th house will increase your intuition power . Ketu also indicate that your income will arise and you will go to some spiritual travelling with your friends, Ketu also aspect on your first house indicate that your mind will be religious and spiritual and you will take interest in some social work in the society. Ketu also aspect on your third house indicate that you friends will support you and your communication skills will increase. Ketu also aspect on your fifth house indicate that you will take interest in children educations and also some abdominal problems will arise due to gastric and digestion problems.

Remedy: - Eat food to black dogs daily.



  1. Every one of us is excited when a New Year Begins. When the count down for the new beginning begins, New Hopes and Fresh Plans.

  2. Nice post.Thanks for sharing with us. Such amazing information.
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