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Aries moon sign . Saturn will give positive results from 2021 to 2025.

Aries moon sign . Saturn will give positive results from 2021 to 2025.

This predictions are based upon Aries moon sign and the movement of Saturn is Capricorn to Aquarius and predictions of Aries will from 2021 to 2025. currently Saturn position in Capricorn and transit in uttrasadha nakshtra till Dec 2020. The position of Saturn in Capricorn in Aries moon sign in 10th house and in kal pursh kundli the tenth house is a very good house for Saturn . And fortunately the movement of Saturn in Capricorn  . Aries moon sign have two houses of Saturn one is 10th house and another is 11th house. Both houses lord is Saturn and Saturn is a slow planets in the universe and speed of work is slow but steady. Saturn is a hard worker planet in the universe and it works very slowly and the impact of Saturn comes of human beings are very slowly . Saturn works like   teacher and also learn and teach new things in our life and also correct our past mistakes. Saturn is also a judge and provide his effects according to our karma and some times it provide bad results and some times it provide good results . Now we are come to point of this topic about how it will impact on Aries moon sign from year 2021 to 2025. 

1. On 23rd Jan 2021 Saturn will move into sharavn nakshtra and lord of this nakshtra is moon and from Aries moon sign the lord of fourth house is moon and when Saturn will transit in shravan nakshtra it will activate  fourth house and in this year Aries Lagan or Rashi person will buy a good  home and also invest surplus money in to the real estate . With this movement Aries should be very careful about her mother health and chance of some medical expenses on mother health. In the year 2021 Aries will flourish his business and also wants to buy a new car. He will earn money from business and also from job. Job per-motion in 2021 will be occur. In 2021 year Aries will fulfill his dream home and car. Support from office staff will be increase and position in the office will also improve. But expanses will also increasing and travel in the foreign land and investment in the land or building will also occur. Tuning with wife also increase . Health of wife will be some disturb after June 2021. Remedy Chat Lord Shiva Mantra daily 108 times in a day with Rudraksh Mala.


2. On 18th of Jan 2022 satrun will change their nakshtra and enter in dhanista nakshra and lord of this nakshtra is mars and Saturn is not fully comfort in this mars nakshtra because mars is a hot planet and very aggressive planets and Saturn is a slow planet and also cold planet. When Saturn will move in dhanishta nakshtra then Aries two houses will activated one is his first house and another is his eight house and with this activation of two houses the behavior of Aries will be aggressive and also work very fast and growth level will increase . Saturn will work in this nakshtra very fast and past hardworking  will reward in this year. Person who are engineering , and civil engineers will get a good results in this year . Peoples who have business in electrical and electronics will also get good results in this year. Peron whose business in construction or builders will get a good results in this year.

due to Saturn in dhanishta nakshra the Aries moon sign will focus on their health and he will take interest in occult study and also get parental property in this year . Gain from business will increase in this year . But on negative side expanses on wife health will increase and medical expenses will occur in this year . drive on the road or highway will be very careful. Chance of some accidents on the road will increase.

Remedy:- Chat Hanuman Chalisa seven times in a day.


3. On 17th March 2023 Saturn will move in shatbisha nakshtra and its Rahu nakshtra and with the movement Aries will get some good results or some bad results in the year 2023 because this year will be Rahu year. in Aries moon sign Saturn will enter in Aqurious moon sign on 17th Jan 2023 and stay in Aqurious moon sign upto 29th march 2025. in this year when Saturn will move in Aries 11th house then gain will increase and source of money will also increase . Your past handwork will gives you high return in the year . Saturn will provide you good monetary benefits in the year 2023 . You will earn money through shortcuts also. But avoid high level of speculations business or invest in the share market. You will gain moneys through long term investments and also chances from real estate. Saturn will stay in your 11th house for 30 months and it is the golden opportunity for Aries moon sign to get money from business or job. your boss will promotion you in the office and with good salary package and Saturn will full fill your desires in this year. But you have to take care of your health . You will get admissions in the university and also take interest in the higher education.On the negative side your health will be disturb because Saturn will transit in Rahu nakshtra and keep distance from wine and non veg otherwise Rahu will be activated in this year. Moral responsibility on family will increase and chance of back biting in the office against you.

Remedy:- Chat Shani mantra 108 times in the evening.


4. On 7the April 2024 the position of Saturn will move in poorvabhadra nakshtra and this nakshtra lord is Jupiter and with this movement the Saturn will activate your ninth and 12th house . In this year your foreign traveling will be very high and your expanses will increase . You will travel with family in some religious places in India. Luck will favor you and your ninth house will be activated and interest on spirituality will increase your father will support you very much and with his blessing your business will be flourish. Year of 2024 will be full of enjoyment in your life with traveling and expanses. In you are in trade of some export or import business then you will get good money from foreign land . Persons will work with MNC will get profits from overseas. But on the negative side in year 2024 you will over expanses and your bank balance will disturb . Savings will less in this year and expanses will be high. 

Remedy:- chat Jupiter Mantra 108 times in a day.


5. on 30th April 2025 Saturn will move into uttrabhadra nakshtra and this nakshtra lord is Saturn and Saturn will comes in his own nakshtra . When Saturn will comes in his own nakshtra then effects will comes very positive on Aries moon sign. Your income will increase and Saturn will increase your bank balance. Your job will pay you high returns in your life you will get good salary package in this year. in the year 2025 Saturn will play a very good role in your life and if you want take interest in election then chances of wining will be increase . Your father will support you very much and with his help you will increasing your business . If your in manufacturing owner then your business will be very flourish and person who are in trade of cement, oil, mines, iron, steel and chemical are in good profits in this year. This year Saturn will reward your past efforts and your income will increase. On the negative side of this nakshtra you will get some lazy in the morning and not to want get up in the morning . Take care from cold and cough in this year special in the winter. Your elder brother health will not good in this year.

Remedy:- donate black clothes to poor persons.


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